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Eliminate “Random Acts of Prospecting” with an Activation Cycle – SLA

When you walk the sales floor, or conduct your 1-on-1’s with your sales team this week, pay attention to the “random acts of prospecting”.  Seller A is so different than Seller B, and Seller C has no plan, and Seller D is so objective with their process”. You’re not alone! These are very common things I see inside sales organizations around the world. Sales professionals are given so much latitude, that there is absolutely no real prospecting process. Yes, there are current or lagging indicators such as:

Blog Sales Sales and Marketing sales cycles Sales Enablement sales for life Sales Leadership Sales Play sales strategy salespeople Social Selling Tools

Long Sales Cycles Require “Learning Paths” to Align the Buying Committee

Does your sales team have 6-18 months sales cycles? Is the buying committee involves 5-10 people on every customer transaction? Does it feel like your sales team needs to draw from everything they’ve learnt in The Challenger Sale, Customer Centric Selling, and Value Selling… insert sales methodology here?

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Why do Sellers Lose Key Accounts?

One of the worst nightmares faced by sellers in B2B sales is when a key account goes from an active stage to a closed stage, in other words when it is lost to a competitor.

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“I have a dream”… You Will Teach NEW IDEAS Before Your Competitors

I had a dream. No really, I actually had this dream 2 nights before writing this on a flight to London, UK. Here is how the dream goes: