Blog sales training

4 Tips to Prepare Your Sellers for the BIG Q4 Push

After the slower summer months, many companies experience a big push through Q4. In fact, companies may do more than half of their sales during the last three months of the calendar year. The pick-up is often attributable to sales professionals redoubling their efforts when they return to their desks in September.

Ensure you know industry best-practices for skill-based training with this  executive kickoff planning kit.

Blog Social Selling

Competitive Intelligence Hack: Unlock Your Competitors’ Social Connections with 3 Steps

competitive intelligence hack

Warning—if you’re in an ultra-competitive industry and/or sell enterprise deals, you need to lock down your social connections. These connections are basically a tracking beacon for RFQ, RFP, proposals, etc.

Establish a daily routine on social platforms to find, educate and  authentically engage buyers. 

Blog Digital Selling

Understanding How to Combine Storytelling and Data in Sales

Data is necessary for legitimizing a solution, but a story is necessary for promoting it.

In business, reliable data is needed to make sound decisions, but data can be overwhelming and sometimes cause inertia that slows or stops the buying process. To bridge the gap between the need for data and the need for clarity, sales professionals can include data as part of a larger narrative by leveraging a storytelling approach in sales.

Establish a daily routine on social platforms to find, educate and  authentically engage decision makers.

Blog Sales Leadership

Sales Leaders: Coach against the “Single-Threaded KISS of DEATH”


I was just at a customer’s office conducting Digital Sales Leadership training, and I heard yet another war story about job changes gone wrong. The only difference was that this deal accounted for 1.5% of total annual revenue—or one sales professional’s entire FY quota. POOF, GONE, overnight.

Establish a daily routine on social platforms to find, educate and  authentically engage decision makers.

Blog Sales Advice

What Sales Reps Should Say When They Call a Prospect

Although many have speculated about the viability of cold calling in the face of social selling and digital selling methodologies, it seems as though even the cold call has been retooled for the modern sales department. Nothing is “dead” except for single-channel prospecting.

Establish a daily routine on social platforms to find, educate and  authentically engage buyers. 

Blog Infographics Sales and Marketing

B2B Marketing- How it’s Impacting Sales Teams

Salespeople and marketers tend to think of themselves as quite separate, with different goals, tactics, and roles within a company. The rise of the modern B2B buyer and their changing journey has forced many professionals in both sales and marketing to rethink this long-standing separation.

The Definitive Guide to Social Selling for Leaders

Blog Infographics sales training

The Slower Months of the Year Are the Perfect Time for Skills Development

Many sales leaders are familiar with the so-called summer slump. Generally speaking, business slows down when the warmer weather arrives. Decision-makers are out of the office, and it may be more difficult to gather key people in order to make a decision.

Companies that forget to practice social selling daily are 40% less likely to  hit their revenue goals.

Blog Social Selling

How to Increase the Percentage of Quota Attainment


Social selling has been celebrated as the solution to poor quota attainment among sales representatives. As older sales methodologies have become increasingly ineffective, most sales professionals have looked to social selling to boost slumping quota attainment percentages.

Blog Digital Selling

How EMEA Sellers Are Driving Exceptional Sales Pipeline with Digital Sales

The market has changed globally. No matter if you live in Boston or Barcelona, San Francisco or Stuttgart, customers have changed more in the last five years than the previous 100. Europe, the Middle East, and Asia (EMEA) are no different. We’re seeing EMEA sellers drive conversations via WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Xing, and video messaging, no different than in the USA.

Establish a daily routine on social platforms to find, educate and  authentically engage buyers. 

Blog Sales

How to Grow Top Line Revenue against Corporate Goal


Sales departments have been under increasing scrutiny in the last few years. Many sales professionals are looking for ways to grow top line revenue, especially in the face of stiffer corporate goals. Even when social selling and digital selling strategies are adopted for the business, corporate goals may remain out of reach.

Companies that forget to practice social selling daily are 40% less likely to  hit their revenue goals.